C. M. Singer: Ghostbound - Love is Stronger than Death
This sort of "new reading experience" was a true joy (even though I felt a different responsibility compared to reading books that have already been published) because the author and her team did such a fabulous job to please the readers .
Apart from the touching plot the light-hearted language is a huge plus. Ghostbound is a book capturing dedication: Passion for writing. Passion for enchanting every single reader. Passion for life in general. Go for it!
~ Book Review ~
When two fates become one
When two fates become one
Parker is an ambitious journalist working for the London
which isn’t exactly the most reputable paper in town but at least a
stepping stone to her career. Especially since her boss wants
Elizabeth to write about the devastating teenage killings that have
happened recently. But, instead of doing her researches as usual
things take a more than surprising and incredible twist.
Elizabeth is
thunderstruck. She is a person who has never ever neither believed in
life after death nor in the existence of ghosts until she meets
Daniel Mason who is not only a dedicated and handsome detective but also the person
she has fallen for head over heels. Unfortunately Daniel is killed
before they come to know each other better – a catastrophe
Elizabeth is struggling with. Until Daniel reappears as a ghost only
the young woman can see, hear and actually feel. A very special but
complicated relationship and murder investigation take their course …
Ghostbound – Love is Stronger than Death
written by German author C.M. Singer
is a book with a tremendous storyline combining an extraordinary
romantic bond, elements of a detective novel and paranormal
M. Singer has created an intense story full of wit and love, tragic
and dark secrets. The reader can truly feel this certain buzz of
magic between the lines.
components that make this book utterly unputdownable are unique
characters that are both loveable and/or wrapped in mystery, a plot
riddled with lots of charming details, and the author’s
magnificently figurative and catchy style of writing.
is such a lively atmosphere perfectly noticeable while reading the
book. That’s what I absolutely loved because C. M. Singer is a
master of breathing life into her characters.
dialogues are bubbling over with honest authenticity and gallows
humour. Furthermore, the mix of spiritual kinship and elusiveness,
determination and separation anxiety provides tension from page one
to the end and beyond.
a first glance
Ghostbound seems to be a love story with a difference (which it is, no doubt).
At a second glance the reader will recognise and, of course, cherish
a wonderfully sparkling reading experience highlighting strong
friendships, rogue intrigues, exceptional gifts, and the finding and
loss of a kindred spirit.
page turner
that delivers a glorious overall package due to its succeeded
combination of the best of different genres, sophisticated plotlines
and loads of emotions. Reading this story is like going on a
spectacular journey which makes your heart race before you lose it. Besides, you will possibly be left behind kind of broken-hearted afterwards too. In a nutshell: It’s an electrifying
story which I wanted to last forever!
IMPRESSI★N: Eclectic.